Thursday, September 27, 2007

Naked as we came. Part deux.

As far as i'm concerned, deux is a way cooler way to say two. just call it international coolness factor.

Well... repitition to prove that I am slightly OCD... didnt leave the burner on, but definatley drove back to check...

wondering how i can steal a couple of these chairs from the coffee shop and take them to my slightly furnished house... by slightly furnished, I mean couch. But I'm totally okay with that...cuz Jenns mom just got me a blender and a toaster. In reality, who needs anything more than a couch, a blender and a toaster in life?

No fresh ideas of chair stealing are coming to mind. A cup might be easier to klepto.

Moving on.

Loving life at the moment. Learning about truth. . .
and that just because a person says something is truth..does not necessarilly qualify that as truth. I love it. We have no power to dictate truth. We have no power to alter truth. Truth is truth...and that's it. And it makes me feel small that I have no power to decide what is or isn't truth. Small is good.

I was talking to my dad the other night about Hitler. Not the most uplifting circumstantial conversation, but Hitler nonetheless. Dad was telling me of not so much stories of Adolf, but his highest ranking authorities. The Holocaust was carried out by the german armies, not Hitler himself. People were killed because Hitler wasn't said no to. One of Hitlers highest ranking army dudes once said " i have no conscience. Hitler is my conscience". Bummer day for him when he stands before the Lord and Hitler isn't there to defend him. Although, Hitler probably wouldn't defend him anyways. Which would mean that army dude killed people for a misplaced hope in a man who wouldn't defend him anyways, and would have killed him had army dude stood up for any form of morality or justice or unkillingness.

Balance is a beautiful thing. Uncontested authority is an unknowingly suffocating disease. May we never think ourselves above the law of right and wrong , where we think that truth is dictated by our own emotional whims and the influence we hold and fear we project in hope of consistent loyalty results in the death of the innocent.

If you followed that you deserve a cookie. or maybe a medal. Perhaps a medal with a cookie on it. For its a little hard to take all of the thoughts swarming around in a right-minded left handed brain and try and make sense of them.

the end.
Peace to you. :)

LC .

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