Thursday, September 27, 2007

full in his face.

night two in a row at the coffee shop. happy. not telling you where it is.. it's already crowded enough, and sometimes it's hard to find a seat. this frustrates. therefore, it will remain the nameless faceless coffee shop that i come to alone.

i just drank my body weight in chai from a mug that was bigger than my head, and took both hands to raise.

i just got a message from a friend of mine who was proposed to in paris this weekend.
as if the engagement party last night wasnt enough to remind me how very single i am, let's throw in a paris engagement.... I had to watch it a couple of times, because i'm pretty sure that there was a banner hanging from the eiffel tower saying " This video serves to remind you, Laura Cooke, that you are single" . Yes. but i'm happy...because If I wasn't single, there wouldn't be enough room for sitting at the coffee shop, and who wants to go to a coffee shop where there's no where to sit? Silver lining wins yet again.

A club of 12 people just walked in. There's no where for them to sit. Take that, suckers. :)

I'm listening tonight to Vicky Beeching's arrangement of " Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" ... the new favo chapel hymn ( That's right friends, we do sing other songs that weren't written by our australian friends...) And i absolutely love the line that says
" Look full in His wonderful face".... and it makes me think.

That's the line we usually pass over. You know, you sing " Turn your eyes..." and then you numb out by making the worship face resembling your bowels being extracted from your body covering until " and the things of this earth" ( Don't laugh. you know you make the worship face...) But there's such a hugeness about the line... " Look Full in His Wonderful Face''.

What about us makes us worthy to even look in the face of God. Moses couldn't. Abraham couldn't. They wouldn't. It wasnt being shown to them. And when even God would show his back- the glory displayed would all but knock people out unconscious. Yet, I'm pretty sure they were men of greater faith than I will ever have. ( I mean, how much faith does it take to know that the Lord will take care of feeding however many million people by dropping bread from heaven?... i'm just trying to believe God that my Electric bill will get paid this month.)

Pause. There's a boy shining a laser in my face. He's like 17. This is awesome.


But...worthy. Not ususally a phrase that runs consistent with my name.
I don't know of anyone who has ever equated me with that word...

' Laura Cooke. Oh, yea, she's that worthy girl."

No. I usually am deemed with words like , " Artsy...Creative Flake, Talker. Grandious Story teller. Loud.. ..etc. Regardless of the adjectives, Worthy is not usually one of them. I've done some pretty colorful things in my life ( Have I mentioned that I have purple highlights in my hair at the moment? Not like, eggplant, more like My little pony purple. They're special.) - But... Said colorful things have done more than disqualify me to ever see the face of the Almighty God of the universe. Universe. That's huge.

Yet..all the while, something in the heart of Father God- sees me as daughter. sees me as loved. Sees me as not worthy by any personal means- but redeemed and made righteous and worthy in His see His Face.

ridiculous. I can't even fathom it. I absolutely do not deserve to be seen as daughter.
do not deserve to be seen as His.

worthy, i'm not...beloved, I am.
...because He delights...absolutely delights in his Children. Awesome.
... The King is enthralled with your beauty. Awesome again.

And then the phrase " Look full in His wonderful face" begins to take on a whole new meaning. If you're looking full in the face of Almighty, I imagine that all the peripheral things of this world really do begin to fade.... What earthly thing, in its most glorious splendor could compare to the face of God? What problem could even stand as a competitor to the face of Jesus? I dare it to try.

Compared to his face, nothing else matters.

Makes me wonder why I ascribe worth to things that absolutely do not deserve them. Why I could ever think that the Sovereign is limited by whatever feeble problem I think I have. By Whatever complaint seems huge enoug in my life that I would elevate it above Deity.

Perspective check, friends. Compared to His face, nothing else matters.



Blake said...

Welcome to the land of blogspot!

My name is Sarah Hucks. said...

i like that line. "Compared to His face nothing else matters." what an awesome perspective shift. must leave land of blogspot. must reflect.